
Monday, November 30, 2020


 today we did a slide about rules we do and don`t have finished this is rules about what we do and don`t this was really fun and this will hopefully make people stop the bad stuff they might be doing

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Shark DLO

 Today i have finished my shark DLO this was fun and i learnt a lot about sharks and here is my DLO

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The exquisite great apes

 Hello today i will show you my information report about great apes i have been working on this for a couple of days i have found it fun to find out so much about great 

Exquisite great apes


Do you know that great apes have many different kinds and colours of fur they can learn through observation. And they learn by watching human life.


Did you know that great apes are omnivores that means they eat plants and meat even though great apes are omnivores they still prefer plants and rarely eat meat great apes like honey nuts and seeds insects meat and eggs this means that they are omnivores but just because they eat fruit and seeds doesn't mean that they are friendly they also eat other animals.


Great apes' appearance has many things that other animals do not have one of them is that they have no tail and great apes are very smart. They have a very big skull and a very big brain for animals. A great ape is very smart, great apes have many different types of fur: orange white and black.


Great apes are a very interesting animal, they can live in many different places. They mostly live in jungles and savannas and here are the countries. Africa, Asia and they also live around the world in zoos and they live in jungles mountain areas, savannas and less apes live in tropical rainforests.


Apes are very smart and fascinating. They are able to make tools out of bamboo and wood and they can learn sign language and they have very similar blood types to chimpanzees and finally they do enjoy a nice movie.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

instructions for how to make a worm farm

 this is how to make a worm farm  follow these simple instructions and you will make a good worm farm

Friday, November 6, 2020

Lemon sugar hand scrub

  Yesterday we made a lemon sugar scrub this soap didn't have any of the bad chemicals just Sugar vegetable oil and lemons and here are some photos but first i found this fun and it taught me how to make a Eco friendly soap and it was really fun and the soap works really well we made this because lots of the sanitiser and sun screen have bad chemicals and we are looking to get rid of more sludge by not using these chemicals 

Friday, September 25, 2020

My falling down a tunnel art

 For the last couple of weeks we have been doing are calendar art i have now finished i really enjoyed it i was thinking about the colours i was going to do white blue red and green but instead i did gold blue red and green and here is my calendar art falling down a tunnel art

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Our made t-shirt

 Yesterday we finished are t shirt and i believe it was kinda hard Cole did all the drawing and me and bailey did most of it apart from the drawing Cole did really good at drawing bailey did incredibly good at the paper one and then helped out a lot for the proper one i believe that we did very good and we went for a fall guys design here is a photo of the group and the t shirt 

Here are the other people blog post check there blog out


Thursday, September 17, 2020

My opinion for gaming addiction

Today i have finished my pros and cons of what i think about gaming addiction and it was really fun of expressing what i think about gaming addiction 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Cartoon me

Today i have finished my cartoon me i think this was pretty challenging i really enjoyed it i believe the out come was really funny and yeah so here you go.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

To persuade

Today i have finished my writing about to persuade my argument is that every child should play a team sport and  this was really enjoyable i thought it was quite challenging. and here is my writing

Every Child Should Play a Team Sport

Don't you think every child should be fit and find their interests ?
I believe that all children should play a team sport. This is because it teaches teamwork and keeps them fit. And they find out if they like sport or not.

Children should play a team sport it continuously to get kids fit. And there are so many to choose from. And here are some rugby, soccer, netball, basketball. If you don't like them and you are more interested in hitting
If you do a team sport at a young age it will develop you a great future you will be able to do lots of jobs and you will be strong fast and fit. And if you try really really hard you may be able to become a professional and then you will get more money and if you keep going in your sport job you will make more money so then when you retire you will have lots of money.

To sum it up, I believe that every child needs to play a team sport. Children need to stay fit and need to develop friends and grow teamwork.balls then I personally believe you should play Cricket or baseball.

Sport also develops teamwork friends and has a little bit of competitive. Most involve balls so you can develop amazing ball skills and awesome cacthing. And their are disabled sports so if you are disabled you can still play sport so no one misses out .

Thursday, July 2, 2020

My blog profile

for the last couple of days we have been working on getting our blog profile done. It has been fun doing this and I am very excited to share this with all of the people that will see this blog post.And do you have a blog profile?

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My quality blog comment comic

For the past two days we have been making comics about quality blog comments and here is my one :) (it starts at the bottom)

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Compare and contrast

for the last week in reading we have been reading different versions of Maui and the magic of fire so far we have read all of them i think.It has been really interesting finding out how different country's write the myth and legend about Maui and the magic of fire.Have you every read about any version of Maui and the magic of fire?.I really think this activity was fun because we learnt how other country's think the legend goes.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

My Life Balance

Today we did a sheet about are life balance and my life is very busy and not very calm and we did this in health and we need to make sure we have a good balance of our life

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Samoan language week.

this week we have been focusing our learning on Samoa because if you didn't know it is Samoa language week  and we have been reading story's and stuff.

Monday, May 25, 2020

My treasure map

This is my treasure map i made this from a sheet and cut it put once we finished and we didn't have to colour in the water if you were wondering the quality inst quite bad so sorry

Thursday, May 14, 2020

think about it Thursday

Today we found out why bees sting and before we found out why they sting this is what I thought and why do you think bees sting?

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

whats this Wednesday

This activity in my opinion I found very fun to make my own short story.I found it simple to make the story.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Te Reo Tuesday

Today we had Te Reo Tuesday and we had to do this activity, I found it quite simple cause we had the slides to help us. This is my thoughts on this activity. We learnt today that Muri means 'behind' and Mua means 'in front'. 
What are your thoughts on Maori and do you speak Maori?

Monday, May 11, 2020


today we made pictures with tan-gram  shapes and there are some that are impossible to solve and Sam Loyd claimed that it was created by a good called tan.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Gratitude Flower

Today we had feel good Friday and we made a gratitude flower and write things that we are have gratitude for.


Today we learnt about timetables not as in like three times three but as in a zoo keepers time table.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Reading harry potter

  today we read harry potter chapter 15 and here is my slide about it

immortal jellyfish

from the video that i watched i learnt that soon people with cancer could start living there entire life if we use the jellyfish dna

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

harry potter chapter 13

Today we read harry potter chapter 13. And harry finally found out who Nicholas flamel is and beats hufflepuff in quidige 

Monday, May 4, 2020

make it Monday

Today we had make it Monday which means we have to make a something and today we made a picture with color cubes. And my perimeter was 36 and here is my picture it is me as a fortnite  character shooting another player.

Elapsed time

So today for math we learnt about elapsed time and we had to do a sheet about it so here is my work.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Learning about our brain

Today we learnt about how are brain handles different situations and did you know that there is something in our brain that looks like a seahorse and that's where got its name from. so here is something that might give you a better under standing.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Harry potter chapter ten

today in reading we read chapter ten of harry potter and it was one of the more interesting ones cause it had a lot of action witch i really like in books and movies

Our thoughts on leaves

today we exposed our thoughts on leaves and how we thought they changed colour. And we also watched a few  videos about it so here is mine.
how do you think leaves change colour??

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Making our character

Today was the very first lesson on extra learning about stuff like p.e. art and te reo. So today we had to make our character on a app called animaker. We had to design our character so that someone can guess who it is. So here is my character .
Ive also put some extra stuff on like the headphones.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Digital Time and how to say them

Today we discussed different methods of how to tell time and how to say it correctly.

I found the first two tasks quite simple but the third one was actually difficult. On all of the clocks it was sort of hard to see the arrows pointing and some because they were different methods of how to say them

Thursday, April 23, 2020

harry potter chapter seven the sorting hat

today we read chapter seven and like our last session we had to do a sheet about it in the story the students get sorted into groups so here is my work

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Five minute intervals

Today for our home learning maths session we were doing five minute intervals and  we were learning how to tell time in words and some of them were just past the hour and some were to the hour and we also had a mixture at the end so here is today's lesson

Monday, April 20, 2020

Learning to tell the time on clocks

So, today we learnt how to tell the time on clocks and we did a sheet about it. We had to use like a game clock and we had to make the times that were on the sheet. So here are some of my answers;- the first is ten past eleven, the second is quarter past four and the third is eleven fifteen. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

harry potter chapter three

in the lock down we have been learning from home we have been reading  harry potter for reading here is one of the activities we are up to chapter three here are some of the questions and answers from it

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


over the past few weeks we have been learning about statistics and this is the chart of all the data we have collected

here are my statements

dance monkey was the most popular by 12

other was the second most popular

there was a draw for last between rap god falling thunder and rumors

Building Our Self Esteem

Last week in Punui o toka we have been learning about are self esteem and we have also been doing some work to help some people feel better about there self esteem and have you ever worked on youre self esteem and you have to remember that you need to have a positive view of you're self